
NIQ X Eleme: O2O Retail OAIPL Growth Model


NIQ X Eleme: O2O Retail OAIPL Growth Model

NIQ China and ELE.ME Jointly Release Methods and Application in O2O Retail OAIPL Growth Model: A Profound Transformation in the Retail Industry

Amidst increasingly diverse and rapidly changing consumers, how can brands pinpoint their needs and win the market? NIQ China and ELE.ME recently released a joint report titled “Time-Space-Scenario: Methods and Application in O2O Retail OAIPL Growth Model“. By analyzing data insights from the industry and leading brands across multiple dimensions—people, products, and places, the report dissects growth drivers and proposes that instant retail effectively connects online and offline experiences. This aligns with consumer demand for immediate enjoyment and upgraded services, making it a key engine for growth in the retail industry. 

The collaboration between NIQ and ELE.ME reveals the core reasons why the market focuses on instant retail: on one hand, the trend of smaller household sizes and rational consumption attitudes have led to growing consumer demand for quick, small-batch replenishments, with some planned categories increasingly being purchased through instant retail channels. On the other hand, instant retail has demonstrated immense potential in new scenarios such as remote, nighttime, and gifting consumption. 

The report emphasizes that instant retail, through the synergy of scenario marketing and timely delivery, creates a “see it, enjoy it” consumer experience and opens up a new path for brands to balance product sales and brand impact. While exploring new scenarios and incorporating multiple dimensions such as time, space, and categories into scenario construction, instant retail allows brands to accurately target niche markets and innovative approaches and empowers them to unlock business potential and achieve more stable growth momentum. 

ELE.ME has upgraded the full-link consumer asset operation model “OAIPL” to provide brands in the instant retail sector with strong digital support so that they can achieve more accurate and efficient digital user operations across various stages, including marketing promotion, supply coverage, new customer conversion, and existing user management. 

“Faced with the high cost of customer acquisition, platforms and brands have recognized the importance of increasing user penetration and loyalty. Effectively attracting and retaining customers is one of the keys to brand growth,” said Cindy Yang, Vice President of E-commerce and Omni-channel Business, NielsenIQ China. The “OAIPL” methodology can accurately capture potential customers and convert them into groups that show interest in specific categories, bringing new growth opportunities for platforms and brands. 

面对需求日益多元化及快速变化的消费者,品牌商该如何精准捕捉消费者需求,并真正赢得市场?近日,尼尔森IQ联合饿了么共同发布《时空联动·场景链接 OAIPL即时零售新增长方法论及应用》报告,通过梳理综合行业和头部品牌商数据洞察,从人、货、场等多重维度剖析增长驱动力,提出即时零售有效串联线上线下,迎合消费者对当下即享和服务体验升级的需求,已经成为零售行业增长的重要引擎之一。 



